Parfait Day Cream 30ml
A silky, luxurious elixir that celebrates health and youth, this delicate cream leaves a bouquet of gentle citrus and floral notes on the skin. Designed to fight wrinkles, repair cellular damage, maintain hydration, protect the skin, and create firmness and lift, this comprehensive multitasker is the perfect daytime moisturiser.
A silky, luxurious elixir that celebrates health and youth, this delicate cream leaves a bouquet of gentle citrus and floral notes on the skin. Designed to fight wrinkles, repair cellular damage, maintain hydration, protect the skin, and create firmness and lift, this comprehensive multitasker is the perfect daytime moisturiser.
A silky, luxurious elixir that celebrates health and youth, this delicate cream leaves a bouquet of gentle citrus and floral notes on the skin. Designed to fight wrinkles, repair cellular damage, maintain hydration, protect the skin, and create firmness and lift, this comprehensive multitasker is the perfect daytime moisturiser.